logoJean Nicolas Boulmier
Artist Decorative Painter
Imagination and fantasy are the order of the day for this section. I remain very receptive to the most curious and incongruous ideas, as long as the achievements remain within the rules of the art and my abilities. So let's not hesitate!!


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Pour le paquebot « Normandie » en 1935, 5 compositions monumentales ont été créées par Jean Dunand (6m de long sur 5.8m de haut).
Formé en Asie par des maîtres japonais et chinois, Jean Dunand utilisait un mélange de plâtre et de laque liquide, appelé « sabi » qui une fois coulé dans des moules, durcissait pour recevoir la laque d’or et les laques de couleur. Le style est d’inspiration proche des bas-reliefs égyptiens, faisant suite à la découverte des tombeaux à l’époque.
A ce jour, les méthodes et recettes n’existent plus et pour pouvoir refaire des panneaux manquants comme pour ce mural dénommé « les vendanges » il a fallu réinventer, avec les produits d’aujourd’hui, des techniques permettant de se rapprocher au mieux de l’aspect d’origine.
Il a fallu beaucoup de recherches et d’essais pour se rapprocher des œuvres de Mr Dunand. Grâce au travail de sculpture de Mr Gilles Nicolas et des matières imitant les laques teintées et dorées réalisées par mes soins, nous avons obtenu une intégration « satisfaisante » de ces deux nouveaux panneaux qui en plus, étaient centraux dans ce mural exceptionnel.

Bougeoirs vénitiens

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Les dorures de ces miroirs de style vénitien ont été nettoyées et ravivées.
Ils manquaient deux paires de bougeoirs sur deux des quatre miroirs. Ayant les modèles, j’ai proposé de les recréer en les moulant. Après les prises d’empreintes et les coulées en résine, le tout fut collé sur un petit tube courbé comme les anciens bougeoirs.
Une fois patinés et dorés, la différence est presque imperceptible et tous les miroirs peuvent à nouveau être regroupés et en harmonie.

Sceaux dans les Hauts de Seine (92)

Roseaux dorés

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Suite à la rénovation de cette grande pièce de réception, j’ai été appelé pour restaurer les dorures de ces roseaux en plâtre sculptés il y a plusieurs décennies. Certains roseaux étaient abîmés et d’autres ont été déplacés. Il a fallu retrouver les patines dorées d’antan pour les fonds et raviver en dorure tous les reliefs.

Perspective visuelle

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Afin de donner du caractère à ce couloir, m’est venue l’idée de créer des fuites visuelles par un effet de bandes horizontales. Sur fond gris, 4 couleurs se complètent pour donner cette sensation d’aspiration vers le fond du couloir.

St Germain les Arpajon

Reverse gradients

This décor uses the principle of graded patinas but instead of going from top to bottom or vice versa, the idea was to create a break at mid-height where each person can see what they imagine.

The presence of the lake has something to do with it, but making a classic universe contemporary remains a difficult exercise.



On the occasion of a Lacoste retrospective, I was asked to reproduce the tyre marks that a car might have made during a big skid. The use of a painted tyre was obvious but not so easy to work out!


Perfume display

Here is a foam model for a sculptural proposal of perfume presentation.

Caron perfumes

Ets Lelièvre Paris

In partnership with Lelièvre fabrics, here is the creation of a foam partition to be used for photo shoots for their new collections. The idea was to have a material soft enough to sculpt it and rigid enough to hold and support objects in the niches. A whitewash finish finish was requested by Ets Lelièvre.

Rue du Mail, Paris 2ème

Museum of gastronomy in Lyon

Here are quotes written on the walls of the Hôtel Dieu, where the Gastronomy Museum has been located since 2019. The quotes sent by the Museum's curators were painted by freehand on different supports.

place de l’hôpital à Lyon

Lodève Museum

Here is the creation of false prehistoric bones for the Lodève Museum. Scans were made from real bones which have remained in the archives of the University of Montpellier 2. I myself was in Montpellier to find the right colors and different types of patina according to the bones originals. Then, I was given the models from the scans and 3D printers. Each bone has gone through time in different ways, making it a very varied patina. All the bones visible in these photos are false and in patinated resins.


Wooden glasses

For this VIP lounge, it was important to have an idea in relation to the cellar's activity. The use of wine glass in decoration is not new but apparently not in this way. The idea of presenting wooden glasses was interesting to remind us of the oak barrels but asking a wood turner would have been complicated for the regularity of the shapes, for the stability of the wood over time, for the fineness of the thicknesses but above all with the risk of producing many of them to retain only the fifty or so needed for this realization. For my part, I made enough fake wood on different supports to consider it in fake painted oak. The solid glass of the Luminarc brand (Heritage 35cl range) all received a glass hanging paint before being painted, either in powdery matt white or in fake oak to leave the name of the cellar to be read in the middle of these 400 glasses. The structure and support of the glasses were made by the Eusebio Ets in Spain.

MACÁN Bodega, Samaniego in Spain

The Pasillo

This grandiose passage, both in length and height, is a corridor connecting two parts of the MACÁN cellar. The idea was to use the work of Gilles Chabrier, a glass sculptor, who was installed in the historic cellar. Six glass panels of 250 kg each were moulded with elastomer and then cast in resin plaster to cover the two upper parts with walls for a total length of 46 metres.

MACÁN Bodega, Samaniego in Spain

Coloured stripes on cracks

Three sets in one for this room. According to my research on new materials, I developed a technique of cracks made in the workshop and then glued on site, in such a way as to let an old decoration show through (the bricks). This room has an incredible ceiling height that I wanted to amplify by killing these colored bands on the ceiling. This principle of strips modifies and creates a strong break with traditional woodwork while respecting it. Without these mouldings, the concept of strips is similar to wallpaper and would be of no interest. They were painted by freehand following all the reliefs.


El Coffré

Within this bodega, this imposing building "in" the building was named El Coffré by the Spaniards. It contains huge stocks of bottles at a low and stable temperature. Decoratively speaking, it was inconceivable to try to make it disappear visually but on the contrary to enhance it. In addition, I proposed to use it as a means of communication with the name of the cellar, the names and coats of arms of the two associated owners. The large lines symbolize on a large scale and symbolically the "spins" that extend the twigs and vine shoots. I wanted to work with black and anthracite black by contrasting them in a powdery matt on glittering gloss.

MACÁN Bodega, Samaniego in Spain

Il Vino de Bernardo Enrico

In Bernardo Enrico's restaurant Il Vino, And at the request of decorator Emma Donnesberg, a tangle of anthracite-black and silver bands from the walls to the ceilings was created. Thanks to my friends Florent Marguerie and Francis Llopis for their help.

13 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007 Paris

Olivia's bedroom

Fluorescent pink is in the spotlight for this nursery. The stylized clouds and butterflies give a light and airy side. The white, deliberately very present, makes it possible to keep the brightness in the room. With the help of his older brother, the project was a pleasant one. Olivia, still a little girl, will tell us later if this room was made to her liking!

Route de la côte fleurie, Saint Jean les deux Jumeaux in the 77


At my client's request, here is an adaptation of Piet Mondrian's works behind a headboard and a small corridor. The strong presence of white makes it possible to keep the brightness of the room while adding touches of cheerful and very present colours.

Rue du Château, Marolles en Hurepoix in Essonne.

Cherry pastel

This is Miss Z's Room... decorated by Mr Patrick Hourcade (decorator). He asked me to take up and enlarge the sketch she had imagined and drawn on the walls. Only fat pastels could translate the grain and texture of his drawing. The flight of the rest of the room, including the ceiling, is only the interpretation and extension of his inspiration.

Paris 16th

Room Flower

Creation of a large flower on 4 sides of cupboard doors, based on the design of a fabric existing in the room. The proportions and colours were respected as closely as possible.

Seals in the Hauts de Seine (92)

Folha leaves

Creation of an atmosphere and especially a vegetal "introduction" for this room overlooking the park thanks to the inlaying of Fohla leaves in a taloche coating. These Fohla leaves have the property of being thick, quite supple, and of a colouring that preserves itself over time. They are mainly found on the beaches of equatorial countries. Subsequently, tinted whitewashes were made on this plaster and glued sheets support.

Château Clarke in the Médoc

Fables by Jean de La Fontaine

Collage in relief of 107 Canson sheets on which were written, by me, with a calligraphic pen the main poems of Jean de La Fontaine. I used a September 2004 reissue that included 239 fables divided into twelve books by Jean de La Fontaine, illustrated by Benjamin Rabier, published in 1906 by the publisher Jules Tallandier. Thanks to a mould, these leaves, maintained by a coating / glue, keep this wavy effect of "wet leaves". The rest of the room received a degraded ivory patina with a wall and a dark "ink" coloured alcove to recall the writing of the poems.
Château Clarke dans le Médoc

Decorative dominoes

Realization of a series of 13 door faces representing large dominoes. The doors follow one another and constitute a real logical part with a beginning and an end. The doors are flat and the rounds are treated in fake wood in trompe l'oeil to give the impression of relief and depth. This decoration is related to the goose  games (see the section floors and ceilings)

Paris 8th

Red clearance from the 1930s

This small red clearance dating from the 1930s has already undergone several restorations, but here, following a water damage in one corner of the room, I had to take back the nets, friezes and patterns after recreating stencils, in the tones and shapes of the time. This apartment had the honour of hosting our conductor of the Paris Opera.

Avenue Marceau Paris

the red waves

This is a chamber whose walls have been treated with plaster thicknesses representing mutually overlapping bands. On the whole, a few slightly blackened shades on the general red colour. The rest of the piece has been treated with a gray gradient stringed patina.

Marolles in Hurepoix in Essonne (91)

SPA at Mont d'Arbois

Here is the decoration of the SPA's massage rooms, including "geological" shapes made of three layers of plaster smoothed and then patinated grey on only 1 wall per room (4 in all). That is to say that the colours of the living rooms can be changed at will and infinitely thanks to luminescent ceilings. The rest of the walls of each lounge were made of gray grayed and graded corded patina. For further information, see under "materials and patinas" the "SPA: indoor swimming pool and jacuzzi".

Chalet du Mont d'Arbois, Megève

Concrete display stand

Here are some real concrete display cases/showcases. The casts were made flat on real boards more or less offset with deliberately dug ribs. After the installation of the slabs (2 to 3 cm thick), a bleached patina softens the "hard" side of the concrete. The rest of the part has been patinated with oil on glue to give it a slight wear and tear. Note the small concrete square glued to the top of the doors.

Paris 8th

scribbling desk

Realization of "scribbles" in four colors with a wax stick in large frames on the walls. The frames are enhanced by a more sustained glazing strip. The doors received an imitation faux bois in connection with the parquet floor and a reminder of the scribbling of the walls.

Paris 8th

Vertical white waves

This is a dining room whose walls have been treated with layers of plaster representing mutually overlapping bands, all with a slightly grey patina. Note the "invisible" door whose waves are connected. Installation of silver leaves "torn off" on a black background for the doors and the table (which was previously made of marble).

Paris 8th

seeds and condiments

In this kitchen, creation of small "niches" in which pepper, broken weights, brown and blond lenses and flageolets were glued to finish. Everything has been varnished in two coats to perfect their durability. Since then, the flageolets have been replaced by pumpkin seeds (more solid). The rest of the kitchen has been patinated with a warm grey tone.
Mont d'Arbois, Megève

A bathtub in an old bedroom!

Realization of a fake wood respecting the fittings installations on a large medium panel protecting against water splashes. The bathtub has a yellow patina and its feet a green bronze patina.

Avenue Charles Floquet Paris 8e

Gilding on a wooden wall

Installation of brass sheet imitating gilding on the entire wall. A stencil specific to the family is affixed to it. The pattern disappears and reappears discreetly when you move in front of the wall and especially with the evening lights.

Mont d'Arbois, Megève

Painted Plexi

Here are negatively painted motifs on the back of the plexiglass leaves based on the curtain drawings. A patina and some stencils in red ochre tones to finalize this small bathroom. (Note that the protective plastic film had not yet been removed.)

Mont d'Arbois, Megève

green gingham

For this all-wood room, use of the direction of the boards to imitate the "Vichy" technique, i.e. to cross the same colour vertically and then horizontally so that the crossings are darker.

Mont d'Arbois, Megève

plexiglass and drips

Grey gradient patina and blackened woodwork for this room. The centre of the cupboard doors were given a plexi plate behind which black drips were voluntarily painted.

Mont d'Arbois, Megève


A few bright colours on the beams and radiator to enhance the all-wood ensemble. Gluing of a plaster moulding of a wooden edelweiss purchased locally and then also coloured.

Mont d'Arbois, Megève

stencils under the attic

Creation of floral motifs in connection with the curtains, on the whole room including the radiator previously made of fake wood. The radiator of the bathroom also treated in fake wood takes up in its center the marble of the bathtub surrounds.

The Mont d'Arbois in Megève

Let's learn Chinese!!!

This is a bedroom with a diagonal interior wall that hides both a dressing room and a bathroom. All the boxes received an imitation canvas on which Asian poems were copied. I do not speak this language but these characters are readable since the French translations are in my possession. A combed  patina with gold leaves placed on small fake wood squares constitute the rest of the decoration.

Paris 8th

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

optical illusion

After a freehand drawing, each strip was made with plaster to give a relief on the principle of the wooden boards of a chalet. After several passes and sanding they were decorated with pastel colours. An explanatory drawing is at the end of the file.

Paris 8th

Zebra skin radiators

Creation of a patinated  taloche plaster on the walls with a full height paneling system and sheet-shaped corners, all in relief. The doors are a mixture of real and fake wood with a small square of bamboo inlaid in the centre. The radiators were given a raised material and then coloured with oil to give the illusion of a zebra  skin.

Paris 8ème

Sweet poppies ladies

On a background of degraded  patina and combed in relief, collage of red crepe  paper to imitate the "wrinkled" of poppy petals. The stems are in soft relief! Because they are made with an acrylic paste dyed green! A grey sky with a flight of poppies overlooks the entire dining area, which is located in the extension of the kitchen with its red furniture. The table designed by me represents a giant  poppy with petals separated by a sandblasting.

Paris 8th

Foot and hand impressions

Creation of a patina on a "talochage" relief, with hand and footprints, and the respective first names of the children and parents. Mouldings of objects and games were created for the occasion and are added between the various impressions made on all the walls.

Paris 8th

flowers on marble

At the request of the interior designer Mr Patrick Hourcade, small "thoughts" about the whole fireplace directly on the marble.

Rue de Rivoli, Paris 1er

Colorfull !

Based on the idea of the interior designer Mr Patrick Hourcade, here is a colourful entrance made from 5 matt paints: red on the ceiling, then purple, orange, green and blue on the walls. The carpet was later made in accordance with the entrance. Montyl paintings from Guittet

Rue de Rivoli, Paris 1er

Fireplace Ivy

Imitation of a fake ivy on the sides and top of a fireplace directly on the marble.

Rue du Cirque, Paris 8e

fake cloth and chicken wire mesh

Imitation on the cupboard doors (above the false wood) of the wall fabric with trompe l'oeil mouldings around. The other closet doors (on the left) were printed with a chicken wire mesh, previously moulded in latex.

Rue Emile Deschane, Paris 7e

Let's speak Chinese

Reproduction of 18th century Chinese poems, and their stamps on a background of fake silk paper. All over the entire bathroom.

Avenue Victor Hugo Paris 16e

Tires! Real ones!

Grey patinas after cutting and laying real tire treads on the bottom of the dining room walls. A combed patina covers the top of the walls, and a radiator is treated in bluish fake wood.

Avenue Victor Hugo, Paris 16th

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